Andreia Abreu Abreu itibaren 44791 Maicas, Teruel, İspanya
Pek çoğunun benimle aynı fikirde olamayacağını biliyorum, ama hoşuma gitmedi. Tahmin edilebilir ve sıkıcı buldum.
Actually I was hoping to get info on a nobel scientist's childhood but all I got was a few pages on that and the role the mother had on his upbringing and the opportunity he had as a result of the British Govt's change in education policy after WW1 and how it favored people with Mike's kind of background. Also, it showed how fate can decides a man's future without him having much to do about that but funny enough is an Atheist (who couldn't look at his own's life pattern and accept the existence of God). All said and done, if you want a dosier of chemistry jargons then this might not be boring to you otherwise you'll bored.
KOBOBOOKS Reviewed by Powell's Review-a-Day, The Telegraph, The Guardian (2 Mar 2012)
Unusual police commissioner, Intersting plot with Swedish/South African political background