
Jessi EL EL itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Jessi EL EL itibaren Texas

Jessi EL EL itibaren Texas


Bu kitabı ilginç ve önemli yapan şey varoluşsal aciliyetidir - adam ölüyor! Ancak kitabın çoğu klişelerden oluşuyor.


I think this may be the first adult mystery that I ever read, having recently graduated from the Nancy Drew school of suspense. It scared the bejesus out of me! I will forever more eschew invitations to mysterious mansions by anonymous hosts!


I like these paranormal romances that consider a subject beyond vampires and werewolves. This one gives a whole new meaning to the terms Jack Frost and hypothermia. :)


The most political of Dostoevsky's books that I've read. Still funny that his works were banned in America during the Cold War...even though they were banned in Russia too.


I wanted to like this book, but it was just getting too far fetched for me. Plus it was a little slow to start. I didn't finish it. Maybe another time.


Erofeev can't stop drinking, and I can't stop reading.