Marc itibaren Pinjwana, Pakistan
Bu kitabı sevdim, bir plaj hafta sonu boyunca okuyun, ama hiç kimse bunu bitirmek için tavsiye. Tamamen çekici buldum.
Sadece bir yaklaşım değil, Venezüella siyasi felaketine açık gözlerle daldırma. Sayfalarında bilgilendirici toz, milliyetçi klişeler, propaganda ve basit ilgisizlikten sonra her zaman görünmeyen bir Venezuela ortaya çıkıyor. Krauze hikayeleri, et ve kan insanlarını, fikirleri, siyasi mitleri, saçma ve sefaleti izledi. Chavez sıradan bir fantoche olarak değil, anahtarları Latin Amerika caudillista geleneğinde yatan karmaşık bir karakter olarak ortaya çıkıyor. Pek çok kişi bu sıcaklık ve maddeyle Venezuela hakkında yazmamış.
I consider myself a huge Jodi Picoult fan, and part of the reason is that she is able to come up with completely different plots while focusing on one general theme: the relationships we build with each other and ourselves. I don't want to tell anything about the book because I'd recommend it as a read to anyone I know. Of course, I'd also recommend ANY of Picoult's books to anyone I know. She is terrific.
He has some good lines it's true. His tone is personable, allowing him to craft interesting scenarios from seemingly commonplace and overdone subject matter (i.e. life on the West Coast, masculinity,etc.) while juxtaposing these scenearios with increasingly intense and surreal imagery/speech. My tiff with Hoagland is that he can get forumalic: his weaker poems don't struggle for their insight; and because Hoagland doesn't stray too far from his general project of "critiquing of our cultural values via my ironic/tempered tone", the poems can, at their worst, blend into a obnoxiuos mix of confession and didacticism. However, on the whole, Hoagland is a pleasant guy, though not one I would bother going back to.