Miscix itibaren 5400 Santo Amaro, Portekiz
This is a continuation of Sharlet's research into the Christian Right elite that he started in 2008's The Family. Using interviews with members and the Family's own papers, he demonstrates that these aren't the outrageous Bachmanns and Perrys, but wealthy, well positioned (mostly) men who are content to work slowly to achieve their goals of rolling back social progress: in their world LGTBQs would go back into the closet, the poor would be content with their lot, women would shut up and act nice, while they paternalistically run everything. What's most chilling is how firmly they believe that they are God's instruments, confusing their own egos with divine will. Not a happy read but very much recommended.
Plot Twists O' Plot Twists
A little wierd, funny at times, but it has an unusual sense of humor