Helena Skripchenko Skripchenko itibaren Horderley, Craven Arms, Shropshire SY7, İngiltere
An extra star for novel-writer King having a clear and successful short story scope and structure, and for inserting it into her canon. Meh for what it actually added to her characters; we were supposed to be surprised about Holmes's thing at the beginning? And meh for the tortured perspective changes. And for the coconut. King is doing something right, though -- this series is my 7% solution. Upon reread, coconut comment goes double.
Chandler's use of similie is second to none. I've also read the Big Sleep and Farewell, My Lovely. If you're a writer, you should read all Chandler's novels for the style and the similies. Here's one on the page I just read: "as faint as a fat lady at a firemen's ball." He says the curtains in his office "puckered in and out like the lips of a toothless old man sleeping."