Diane Cohen Cohen itibaren 33018 Fusine in Valromana, Province of Udine, İtalya
Bu kitabı gerçekten bitirmem gerekiyor; mükemmel bir tarih, ama çok iç karartıcı.
tertarik sama buku ini gara-gara prosa "Spasi" yang udah banyak dikutip orang-orang tumblr. overall,, bagus,, ada beberapa prosa yang saya rada bingung itu endingnya gimana,, Dee sepertinya sangat pintar bikin twisted ending macem begini yak,, tp suka banget sama gaya bahasa dan bertuturnya Dee setiap cerita,, My favourites are Filosofi Kopi, Salju Gurun, Sikat Gigi, Jembatan Zaman, Kuda Liar, dan tentu saja Spasi :) "Seindah apapun huruf terukir, dapatkah ia bermakna apabila tak ada jeda? Dapatkah ia dimengerti jika tak ada spasi? ... Pegang tanganku, tapi jangan terlalu erat, karena aku ingin seiring dan bukan digiring."
A little more violent than I like my books usually, but that's not unusual for a paranormal. Interesting characters.
This was a fun read, but a little fast, I wish the adventures would have lasted longer.
The first in the Hank Thompson series, I'll be sure not to miss the last two. I'm a big fan of hard boiled noir but sometimes its practitioners can get too heavy with language or plots. Not Charlie Huston. He doesn't waste a word here as Hank Thompson's story unfolds with one explosion after the other as he tries to extricate himself from a situation he had no business being in. Already looking forward to #2!