Hubble 8 8 itibaren Texas
Two things: I liked it but didn't like one specific thing in it. I liked that all the characters' reactions and quirks were believable. The hate on the ex-boyfriend parade? Check. The 'Move on. Oh, please move on? Check. But what had me holding back was her 'Woe, is me' schtick. More specifically, I was held back by how blinded she was to what she thought she wanted. That aside, Fairy Tale Fail reads a lot like those visuals in Batman and Robin fight scenes. Who here remembers those *WHOOSH* or *SMACK* visuals? FTF reminds me of those for some reason. The dialogue is fast paced; the writing in general was lightning quick. The story itself is simple. When Ellie is dumped by one she considers perfect, she has a chance to do things over. Along the way (with some a lot of glances back,) she rediscovers herself and her passions then kind of/sort of meets a new guy. And said guy? Well, get a load of this, "He always looked clean and he smelled great but his hair was a calculated mess." These characters felt possible to me. Her moving on (albeit reluctant and slow then stop start at some points) read real to me. Him being the subject of gossip, being called Rock Star'? I bought those things as well! 3/5
dan gleason's greatest hits-need i say more? has many of my favorite of his stories in here including catholic school. he's coming out with #2 soon!
Summary: Marshall, author of the classic Christy, drew on her life experiences for this coming-of-age story in which a young girl discovers herself and the strength of her faith. Julie, is a heartwarming, coming of age story about the struggles a young lady enounters with her family in post-depression Pennsylvania. Julie's family purchase the small town's local newspaper, and in doing so, enouncouter financial, political, and faith-based, tests. Her father's chronic illness, propels Julie in to a position of leadership and responsibility at the newspaper. Her talent as an investigative reporter also uncovers devestating news about a improperly built dam, that will prove prophetic and catastrophic. Juile was our book group selection for the month of May. It was a delightful read, reminiscent of the work of L. M. Montgomery.