
Dyeferson Reis Reis itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Dyeferson Reis Reis itibaren Texas

Dyeferson Reis Reis itibaren Texas


Sesli kitabı dinlemek ve sevmek! Anlatıcı harika bir iş çıkarıyor. Dean Koontz, beni tahmin etmeye nasıl devam edeceğini biliyor. Bunu hiç çözemiyorum!


Really enjoyed this -- wasn't sure about some of the storyline decisions, but I definitely enjoyed the read. I'd previously heard a spoiler (or so I thought) and I kept reading this waiting for it to happen -- turns out it didn't. Oh. Wait. I thought I was done with this series. (Although I realized it was wide open for more very long, big books.) So uh oh. Maybe the spoiler will still happen. And I'm destined to sit with another monster hardcover at some point in the future.


I've been reading Rumi on and off for many years. I love how he writes. Oh, maybe I am thinking of Rilke. :-D Ahem. I worked in a New Age bookstore, so yes, I've read Rumi. Love talking about love.