All Vashikaran Vashikaran itibaren Eskikapımahmut Köyü, 58980 Eskikapımahmut Köyü/İmranlı/Sivas, Türkiye
Hmmm, sonuna kadar uğultu, ama bir clang ile düştü. Çok hayal kırıklığı.
Romanın erodik doğası bana çok sevilen baş ağrıları verdi. Çok esprili ve son derece klostrofobik bir şekilde kesinlikle komik buldum. Bu romanı her okuduğumda anlayamadığım bir başka kod buluyorum. Ancak şimdi onaltılık ve ikili diziler konusunda çok bilgili olduğum için belki de bir sonraki okudum daha fazla bilgi sağlayacaktır. Siyah beyaz kopyamı ilgilenen herkese satmak isterdim.
i read this in Kazakhstan, as a lonely Peace Corps Volunteer subsisting on eggs, potatoes, spaghetti and hot dogs. Under my down comforter, wearing a hat, in front of my Soviet space heater, I would devour Peter Mayle's sunshine, lavender, truffles, coq au vin, wine, and laugh at those quirky Provencal villagers. This book started my love affair with cooking and probably saved my sanity.
This wasn't a comedy, but it was amusing in places. A very short book, and a pleasure to read. The Queen finds that a mobile library visits the back of Buck House, and feels obliged to borrow a book. As a result she discovers the joys of reading and is insatiable, reading rather than paying attention to her duties, and trying (often unsuccessfully) to engage others in conversation about books. I don't want to reveal the ending, but suffice to say it has a bit of a twist in the end - the last line caused me to make a noise that was half a laugh and half a yelp of surprise. Very entertaining. Highly recommended.