Rochelle Garcia Garcia itibaren Burrough Green, Newmarket, Cambridgeshire CB8, İngiltere
Gladstone baskısının yeniden basımı.
40'lı yılların ortalarına yaklaşan biri olarak, tamamen ilgili olabileceğim bir hikaye. Karakterler ve hikayeler çok inanılırdı.
Kısa öyküler başlangıçta Japonca yayınlansa da, derleme yalnızca İngilizce olarak yayınlandı. Yazarlar: Amy Yamada, Chiya Fujino, Shungiku Uchida, Tamaki Daido, Rio Shimamoto, Yuzuki Muroi, Junko Hasegawa ve Nobuko Takagi. Bazı hikayeler beklenenden daha iyiydi. En iyi yanı, kitapları sadece okumak için kaşıntı yaptığım bazı şaşırtıcı yazarlarla tanıştırmasıydı (Yamada ilk olan).
Bu kitabı çok sevdim - bazı bölümleri okumak gerçekten zor (duygusal). Henüz filmi görmediniz mi?
"Was she beautiful or not beautiful? and what was the secret of form or expression which gave the dynamic quality to her glance? Was the good or the evil genius dominant in those beams? Probably the evil; else why was the effect that of unrest rather than undisturbed charm? Why was the wish to look again felt as a coercion and not as a longing in which the whole being consents?" Who can resist the intrigue of Gwendolen? I'm not sure if I can say this beats out Middlemarch as my favorite Eliot, but it is high up on my list of Victorian favorites.
I guess she called this one Texas woman because no one would want to read Mexican Woman.
I've been reviewing Trollope's novels in the order they were published (in book form), which is not always the order in which they were written. An Old Man's Love is the last of Trollope's novels to be published, but The Landleaguers is the last he wrote. In fact, he had barely made it into the 49th of a planned 60 chapters when he had the stroke that ended his writing and, shortly thereafter, his life. For The Landleaguers Trollope returns to Ireland, the setting of several of his other novels, including the first two. In fact he toured Ireland with his amanuensis-niece in preparation for writing The Landleaguers. The earlier Irish woe Trollope had chronicled was the potato famine, now it's the often bloody conflict between English protestants and Irish Catholics. Trollope loved Ireland and his novels often reflect that, but The Landleaguers, with its realistic depiction of terrorism, seems to despair of Ireland's future. There is a subplot involving the daughter of an American supporter of the Irish campaign against the English; the daughter has come to London to further her career and there are sexual intrigues there. (This subplot is not as unrelated to the main plot as this summary makes it appear.) Trollope's son Henry wrote a brief foreword to the novel and added a two-sentence postscript announcing the fates that Trollope had planned for the novel's main characters.
It was good. In the middle she got really annoying cuz she was in love with two people at the same time and they were both named Peter!!! But other than that it was good and even had some funny bits.