DJ Haskins Haskins itibaren Kelapa Dua, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten, Endonezya
Bu politik gerilim, anılarını yazan eski bir İngiliz Başbakanı (görünüşe göre Tony Blair'e dayanmaktadır) için "Hayalet" (hayalet yazarı) tarafından tekil olarak söylenir. Hem Bob hem de ben kitap perçinleme ve koymak zor bulundu. Robert Harris'in (Anavatan, Enigma ve Başmelek) birçok kitabından keyif aldım ve hala teslim edebildiğini görmekten memnunum.
must have for professional library!!!
An ironic tale about Macon Leary, a xenophobic travel-writer who despises travel and who’s greatest wish is to lead an ordinary, efficient life, this is an especially amusing book read by someone coming from a place as diverse and liberal as San Francisco. Reading this book, one really learns to appreciate the advantages of living in a society that is so accepting of difference. Being someone who is fascinated and enthused about travel, change, and anything shockingly unusual, I enjoyed this book for the sheer pleasure of being able to laugh out loud at the pathetic personality of the protagonist. In addition to making one think about the twisted-ness of society, this book is simply very well written and enjoyable.