Xu Dongfeng Dongfeng itibaren Kargui, Benin
Like everyone else , I read it after seeing the show. The first book is Almost as good as Season 1 (then started downward decline for these books) , the writer is obsessed with the word "D" , and this one is a genuine funny book
Heaven in Full. So i come back :D pingin banget rasanya baca buku ini di depan my boss sambil ngakak guling2 :D tapi walaupun boss gw "ajaib" dgn manajemen panik n style devide et impera" n "never want to know the process". tetep aja klo baca buku ini bikin gw merasa lebih beruntung daripada si mbak kerani :D tq so much mbak. derita di loe, bahagia di gw. wuakkk :D