
Elizna Rocher Rocher itibaren Fontenay-sous-Fouronnes, Fransa itibaren Fontenay-sous-Fouronnes, Fransa

Okuyucu Elizna Rocher Rocher itibaren Fontenay-sous-Fouronnes, Fransa

Elizna Rocher Rocher itibaren Fontenay-sous-Fouronnes, Fransa


Ein sehr interessantes Buch und man lernt Barack Obama und auch seine Familie etwas nähr kennen. Auch das Leben als schwarzer in Amerika wurde sehr gut beschrieben undman konnte sich sehr gut hineinversetzen. Besonders schön fand ich beschrieben als er in Kenia war!


Yes, this was turned into a great blockbuster movie, but it was an even better read before that. If you haven't read it, there's no time like the present!


This book led to several explanations I wasn't really in the mood for (hunters, guns). Henry has a combination of fascination/fear of big-horned animals, so he was both enthralled and horrified by seeing the animals living in the horns, the horns being shed, etc. All in all, this one exhausts both of us. But it's Seuss, and I love the message about kicking to the curb those who only take and don't give. Sassy!