Youssef Mazil Mazil itibaren Puerto Franco, San Benito Abad, Sucre, Kolombiya
Second time around just as enjoyable! I loved this book. I saw this series recommended on the Stephenie Meyer's website, and decided to give it a try. This book starts with a bang and from the first chapter you are hooked. Starting the second one tonight:)
If anyone else had written this, I'd give it more stars, but my expectations are pretty high for David Sedaris. It's not as laugh-out-loud funny as his other books, but still a worthwhile read.
Still not sure if I liked this book or not. It was a bit predictable but still intriguing.
I re-read this recently and remembered how fun it is! There's high school, intrigue, rich kids, death, drinking, and greek mythology. What could be bad? Obviously, nothing.