Sonat Arda Erdeniz Arda Erdeniz itibaren Mitwanan Pind, Pakistan
A boy wonders what his new sibling will look like when he/she is born. With his parents the colors of semisweet dark chocolate and strawberry cream milk, there are many colors that his new sibling could be. And what about hair, lips, nose and eyes? So many combinations are possible! This book is written with such love and attention to detail that it sings. Not only a lovely book for mixed-race families, but a book for all families who all have differences and similarities that should be embraced. Alko writes about colors in a way that brings them to life, we know just what a “jelly-bean smile” is like, what “ginger cookie brown” is and one of my favorites: “cinnamon sand castle.” This speaks to the myriad of colors, shades, and hues humans come in. It is a thrilling world of acceptance and love. One of my favorite memories as a children’s librarian was traveling to ALA with the daughter of an African-American co-worker. She and I bonded on the trip and she spent an evening looking at my skin, talking about how we were the same and different. My freckles and moles set me firmly apart! But some of them were almost her skin color. This book brought that sweet moment out of my memory bank. For that alone, it was a treat to read. Share this with all the families at your library. It is one to be shared with new older siblings but also one that can lead to great discussions and even greater acceptance in our children. Appropriate for ages 4-6.