Zdenek Rada Rada itibaren Kitzbühel District, Avusturya
I discovered the author's popular blog (stephanieklein.blogs.com)read it regularly. Her life is a chick-lit story come to life. After she discovered that her rich husband was having an affair, she got a divorce and found herself alone in NYC. This book is series of light and fun dating stories. She's now married with twins and lives here in Austin.
#OdysseyReadingClub http://erikandhispointlessblog.blogsp...
One of the only Murakami books that is lacking that science-fiction aspect, but still an enchanting story.
Read this as a teen, have read it with the 8th graders twice. Still as impressive now as it was 35 years ago!
My favorite quote from this book- "If you want to understand any woman you must first ask about her mother and listen carefully." This is an excellent re-telling of a small section taken out of the Bible. It really expands and gives the female characters who have barely a voice in the Bible to be real people and a real emotional appeal.