Dilek S S itibaren Жуковичи, Beyaz Rusya
Ok...I LOVE this book. Of course, I love any book that takes place in Afghanistan. I cried 3 times during this book. Twice during highly emotional parts and the third time was when I closed the back cover. I was so sad the book had ended. One of the most beautiful novels written in recent history on the plight of the Afghan people.
For a slightly different twist, Dalgliesh in not investigating but recooperating from an illness and going to see an old friend, his father's former curate who is now chaplain at a home for the disabled. That term is very much out of fashion, even insulting, as I learned during work on an exhibit in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Much of The Black Tower now seems a bit insensitive, but not enough to temper my enjoyment nor destroy the story. However, I had to re-read several times the passage where Dalgliesh unravels the mystery, and I'm still not clear on how he got the clue to untangle it. Yet it all stood up well enough.
I found this book surprisingly good. Especially b/c I'm a pianist. Loved the insight to the Japanese culture of perfection.