
Sherif Adel Adel itibaren Ebudji, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti itibaren Ebudji, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti

Okuyucu Sherif Adel Adel itibaren Ebudji, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti

Sherif Adel Adel itibaren Ebudji, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti


Annem ona "taş günlükleri" önerdikten sonra bana bu kitabı önerdi ikisini de gerçekten beğendim.


Sadece bunu ikinci kez oku. Her şeyi tekrar sevdim. Yazı stili çok mükemmel. Bence Laurie R. King her zaman klasik Sherlock Holmes'u kanalize etmek için mükemmel bir iş çıkardı. Mary Russell edebi bir mücevherdir. Her şekilde tamamen sevilebilir. Mizah ve Mary ve Sherlock arasındaki hassas ilişki saf sihir için yapar.




Look Me In The Eye: My Life With Asperger’s by John Elder Robison I read a lot but rarely write reviews (shame on me), but this memoire is so powerful and such an eye-opener that I had to share. It’s not likely most people will pick this book off the shelf unless there is a reason to look for it, but it is a book that many need to read, and most will enjoy. You may recognize someone you know or a member or your family. Maybe even yourself. Look Me In The Eye is a well-written and fascinating account of a man, John Elder Robison, with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a high-functioning form of autism that affects one in every one hundred and fifty people. I’d never heard of Asperger’s until six years ago, and only recently has the condition become understood to the point where it can and is diagnosed. John Elder Robinson recounts, in a delightful manner, his very painful childhood as a “misfit” and “weirdo” growing up in a dysfunctional family. He describes how he struggled to cope with the challenge of forming relationships and dealing with the lack on inborn social skills that most people have. It was not until he reached middle age that a friend finally identified him as an Aspergian. I laughed and was thoroughly entertained. I cried. I couldn’t put the book down. You will enjoy the book no matter what, and you may learn some things that astound you.