
William Larsen Larsen itibaren Houghton Conquest, Bedford MK45 3JR, İngiltere itibaren Houghton Conquest, Bedford MK45 3JR, İngiltere

Okuyucu William Larsen Larsen itibaren Houghton Conquest, Bedford MK45 3JR, İngiltere

William Larsen Larsen itibaren Houghton Conquest, Bedford MK45 3JR, İngiltere


This book captivated me, for reasons I can not explain. I reread it in order to find meaning, or even a plot. I have come to the conclusion that it is a collection of metaphorical situations rather than a truly cohesive rendation of events. If I am missing the point, I remain delighted in the missing of it. Reading this book was like having a dream, in exactly the way that dreams push you here and there with no real sense of a destination. There are very intimate family situations that for reasons I could not understand went terribly cold, when there were the most inviting opportunities to enjoy domestic warmth. That is just one example, but there are so many more that I could not get.