
Marlon Chun Chun itibaren Miłoradzice, Polonya itibaren Miłoradzice, Polonya

Okuyucu Marlon Chun Chun itibaren Miłoradzice, Polonya

Marlon Chun Chun itibaren Miłoradzice, Polonya


I've never felt so dirty reading a book for a literature class.


I was surprised to find out how much I loved reading Dead Rules, I was feeling like I was getting into a reading funk again before I started reading it and wasn’t so sure which book to choose next, but I had heard that this one was really good and they were right. Dead Rules was just what I needed, from the very crazy beginning I was unable to put it down and finished it within twenty-four hours, it was that good. After a freak accident Jana finds herself dead and stuck in something called Dead School, it’s where teenagers go when they die and what I found really fun to read was that they are in this afterlife looking exactly like they did when they died. So if they were missing limbs or cut in half they were pretty much walking around that way in the school, and it wasn’t as creepy or gory as you would imagine Randy Russell made it fun. He added quirky humor to the story and the characters that it’s the complete opposite of what you would think a story about the afterlife would be like. I loved the main character, Jana’s was stubborn and not satisfied with the rules of being a good girl like her roommate. She was also a bit delusional about her boyfriend and wanting to be with him forever even in death, she became obsessed with finding a way to kill him or get him to kill himself. I wanted to slap some sense into her and to look at who she had in front of her which was Mars. Mars was suppose to be one of the “bad kids” in Dead School but he wasn’t at all, he was the sweetest, he kept helping Jana with all her crazy ideas to get into trouble, and trust me there were plenty of hilarious ones. Even though I got frustrated with Jana’s obsession to want to be with her very much alive boyfriend, I could understand how she felt. She was a teenager who thought she would be with her high school sweetheart forever and even though he seemed a bit shady after she died she had no reason to doubt him, nothing that he had shown before, so you do feel like you can relate to her and also at the same time feel sorry for her being so young, having so many dreams of her future and having to let them all go so suddenly. I think what intrigued me the most about Dead Rules was its originality, the concept was very unique and I hadn’t come across a book that took death and made it fun to read about like Dead Rules does. It was quite a nice break and a breath of fresh air that kept me entertained the whole way through. The only thing I would’ve like to know a bit more about was what happened after they got out of Dead School, it’s not really explained that much, it’s brought up but nobody really knows, I was really curious about that. I still definitely enjoyed Dead Rules, it was a very fun, smart and original read, hard to put it down and the writing was easy flowing that you don’t really notice how much you’ve already read until you get closer to the ending which was also wonderful. Everything that needed to be resolved did and it still left plenty of room for the reader to wonder about all of the characters’ future but with enough closure to feel happy and satisfied about it.


More adult and believable than the twilight series but it was somewhat unsatisfying halfway in.


Continuing with the Seven Sister Series, this is the story of Jac Lightfoot the private setective and Lawton Franklin. Blah Blah Blah....was alright....