
Nattapong Promjart Promjart itibaren Broward County, FL, Birleşik Devletler itibaren Broward County, FL, Birleşik Devletler

Okuyucu Nattapong Promjart Promjart itibaren Broward County, FL, Birleşik Devletler

Nattapong Promjart Promjart itibaren Broward County, FL, Birleşik Devletler


Nothing like the TV show, and that's a good thing. I read this whole series with my friend, and it was our guilty pleasure. That TV show is just out for cheap thrills.


My Thoughts: In Playing With The Boys, we are introduced to Lucy. Lucy lives with her father and is forced to move to Los Angeles. She lost her mother and her father wants to get away from all the memories so he drags Lucy across the country. Lucy has to make new friends, go to a new school, and basically learn how to be a California girl, which is harder than you would think. On her first day of school she meets a boy named Benji. She and Benji become good friends. Then there is another boy who she has a crush on. Oh I guess I'm forgetting something here. Lucy tries out for the soccer team. She's good at soccer and figures this is a way to meet friends. But she doesn't make the team so instead she tries out for the Football team and she does make that one. Her father forbids her from playing because its too dangerous but Lucy plays anyways. Playing With The Boys was a fun read, but not too deep. None of the characters really clicked with me the way I wanted. I still enjoyed reading it but if your looking for a football themed book, you might also want to try Catching Jordan. Overall: Liked it quite a bit but didn't love it. It was a quick read though so I finished it in one sitting. Cover: Like it, but mostly I like the football players legs in the background. They add a certain spunk! What I'd Give It: 4/5 Cupcakes ____ Review Based On Paperback Edition Taken From Princess Bookie


ادی سرباز کهنه کاری است که احساس می کند در زندگی بی معنایش،شامل نگهداری از دستگاههای یک شهربازی، به دام افتاده است.در طول سال ها شهر بازی عوض شده و ادی هم همین طور،از جوانی خوش بین و امیدوار، به پیرمردی تلخ و دل خسته مبدل می شود.زندگی اش سرشار از یکنواختی تنهایی و پشیمانی است. و بعد ادی در روز تولد 83 سالگی اش در سانحه ی غم انگیزی هنگام نجات دادن دختر کوچکی از سقوط یک گردونه می میرد...ادی در زندگی بعد از مرگ چشم می گشاید و درمی یابد که بهشت باغ عدن سرسبز نیست بلکه جایی است که پنج نفر که در زندگی او نقش داشته اند زندگی زمینی اش را برایش توضیح می دهند...