Gabriel Salles Salles itibaren Byki, Piotrków Trybunalski, Polonya
Mitchell uses individual stories of Peruvian peansants to illuminate economic, ecological and political realities that all poor Peruvians faced between the mid-1960s when he first started doing fieldwork in Peru through 1999 during his last field visit after the Shining Path war had (more or less) ended.
I really dislike incomplete stories. A great read for you Imperial Guard fans. I pretty much knew who the bad guys where going to be after reading a previous Space Marines novel, Fall of Damnos, because of the actions that the Imperium had done on planets setting. Well written, but I wouldn't suggest you run out and grab it since there are other Imperial Guard focused novels that are awesome, Gaunts Ghosts series and Ciaphas Cain.
I like Tom Gunn, he's a local San Franciscan poet. If you want to read up on his work, this volume would be a good buy. I'm not sure if it's in here, but his poem The Man With the Night Sweats is touching as it is frightening.