Robert Matthias Matthias itibaren Khelma Pt VIII, Assam, Hindistan
My favorite book growing up. Recently read it to my sixth graders and reminded myself why I loved it so much as a kid.
the first novel humor yg penah saya baca. tidak menghampakan. memang ada saja yang membuat kita tergelak dan tidak over. kisah sudin yg menetak kerbau yang disyakki merosakkan kebunnya. wife dia siah, risau sbb sedang sarat mengandung takut kena kenan kerbau pulak. sudin mcm tak kisah tp didatangi mimpi mcm2, siah lahirkan anak kerbau la, anak tu menguak instead of menangis, siah mengidam rumput.. macam2 la.. alhamdulillah anak tu lahir sihat dan cukup sifat, tapi... hehe.. "Barangkali saya berdosa besar kerana menyentuh tangan cikgu begini. Tapi saya lebih berdosa kalau saya membohongi hati saya sendiri." cikgu rubiah berdebar-debar, Man pun berdebar debar, hajah siah yang kat belakang dinding pon berdebar-debar juga. sure fine whatever Rinn
The information in this book is "must know" but this almost 400 page book is a little long to read fully. Basically, stay away from soy. We're at the mercy of the government and food industry on the misinformation we're getting about the nutritional benefits of soy. It's a poison from being packed with estrogen(bad for men) and preventing the absorption of vitamins (called an anti-nutrient) it should be avoided at all costs. If you don't read this book, at least be informed.