
Derya TA TA itibaren Bilby, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22, İngiltere itibaren Bilby, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22, İngiltere

Okuyucu Derya TA TA itibaren Bilby, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22, İngiltere

Derya TA TA itibaren Bilby, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22, İngiltere


Onu sevdim. Basitti ve sahip olduğum şeyi takdir etmemi sağladı. Muhtemelen kısmen hormonlardan kaynaklanıyor ama sonuna kadar 3 farklı noktada ağladım. Tatlıydı.


Bence bu, düşündürücü ve iyi yazılmış bir kitaptı. Daha fazla yıldız verirdim ama çok uzun zaman önce olmasına hazırdım. Afrika hakkında çok şey öğrendim. Bayan Kingsolver'ın Hıristiyanlığın söz konusu olduğu yerde aşırı derecede olumsuz olduğunu düşündüm ama herkesi Hıristiyan inançlarından uzaklaştıracak mükemmel bir karakter yarattı. Sonunda bu kitabı okuduğuma sevindim. Bana bir süreliğine düşünce için yiyecek verecek.


Per my reading sage's advice...


For many years, a desert island book. For compact style, few can match Christgau, and the consistency of his pointed judgments about music helped me define, by comparison, what matters most to me.


This short story, which provides background information for the trial case that brought the twins Bennie Rosato and Alice Connelly together, was interesting to read, but was lacking in some areas. First off, there were minor proofreading errors that distracted me, but that is the least problem. Second, the writing style was somewhat different than most of Scottoline's works. It may just be due to the fact that it was a short story, and her writing style works more efficiently for a long novel, but it was just odd to be reading something by Scottoline and not have it sound completely like her. Otherwise, I thought the short piece was fantastic. It helped me to understand the meeting of the two women and answered many questions that I had from Think Twice. I also liked the fact that it didn't answer absolutely everything and in fact, left the reader with more questions to ponder. also liked the fact that it was presented from both of the women's viewpoints to give a better understanding of the overall situation. The tie-in to Think Twice at the end was a good leading point to the novel. Overall, I really liked the piece.