
Martin Thompson Thompson itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Martin Thompson Thompson itibaren Texas

Martin Thompson Thompson itibaren Texas


Günlük bir durumda farklı bir kültür hakkında harika bir kitap. Ayrıca, kardeşçe aşk / nefret / aşk.


Bu kitap çok komikti!


Benim zevkime göre çok basit, bu da herşeyi gerçekçi değil. Ve anlatım sesi çekiciydi.


"A very touching story. Amazingly, I'd never read this book, and kept choking up while reading it to Lily."


Everyone raves about this book so I went into it with big expectations. And the book just didn't quite live up to them. I liked it. But I didn't love it. It didn't shed new light on the Buddha for me. But it's a decent rendition of the Buddha's coming into self, especially if you don't know much about him yet.


These books are my complete guilty pleasure. I always get sucked into Sookie's world and resurface hours later wishing I could live in Harris' Louisiana. The Southern Vampire books are smart, funny and sexy; I'm not really guilty about enjoying them.