
Giovanna Lee Lee itibaren Lochranza, Isle of Arran, North Ayrshire KA27 8HQ, İngiltere itibaren Lochranza, Isle of Arran, North Ayrshire KA27 8HQ, İngiltere

Okuyucu Giovanna Lee Lee itibaren Lochranza, Isle of Arran, North Ayrshire KA27 8HQ, İngiltere

Giovanna Lee Lee itibaren Lochranza, Isle of Arran, North Ayrshire KA27 8HQ, İngiltere


It's extremely rare for me to give a book such a low rating, especially one that is regarded by many as fine literature. Yet there were just too many things about this story that didn't sit right with me and so I muddled through, but barely. I was intrigued, however, by the premise. When Dr. Anders is presumed dead after being on a lengthy mission in the Amazon rainforest, his wife is in disbelief. Ultimately she decides she needs proof of his demise. That's when his colleague and friend, Dr. Marina Singh is sent on a double mission; to find out if and how Anders really died, and to gauge the progress of another colleague and former mentor to Singh, Dr. Annick Swanson's mysterious project. While the attention to detail is evident, it's nearly painstakingly so. Some events included seem so mundane that the reader is thinking there must be a foreshadowing here, a reason for its inclusion. For instance, we don't know how Dr. Anders died, so we analyze every bug bite and nightmare in Singh's path. We live through the good doctor losing her luggage and getting not one, but two new, high tech cell phones. In the end these details are akin to focusing on the tying of ones shoes and making a healthy lunch in the morning, rather than explaining what happened after you walked out the front door and really started your day. Another major issue this story had was focus. What is the readers primary concern? At first it seems the mysterious death/disappearance of Dr. Anders should be front and center. Then we feel that we should be examining Dr. Marina's demons. Before you know it, the focus shifts again, this time to the work of Dr. Swanson and what makes her tick. But wait! There's a deaf, gentle boy named Easter living on the island who enchants everyone he meets. Oh and we can't forget about the small tribe of women who seemingly can have TONS of babies because they suck on a tree. Seriously folks, I can't make this stuff up. The final nail in the coffin for me, was the ending. I won't give it away in case you decide to read this book one day. But if you've read and taken to heart a review like this one, the bigger question is, why would you??