Maud De Kerangal De Kerangal itibaren Texas
Written in essays, letters, blogs, and transcripts, this novel centers on the mystery of two new students to Ashbury High, Riley and Amelia. Two students with a violent past. Everyone at school is interested in them, but none so much as Emily, who seems obsessed with the duo. This is a ghost story but so much more than that. The story takes place during the student's senior year, and the majority of the narration takes place in the form of essays, written by Amelia, Riley, Emily, Toby, and Lydia during exams. Their individual stories are intertwined and connected to the basic premise. A history of an Irish prisoner in Australia is also tangled in with the mystery of the ghost at the conclusion to the novel. The plot is complicated, and I can't help wondering just how long it took Moriarty to put it together. I was impressed. This was the first novel of hers I've read, and I would like to read her backlist now.