
Klaus Herdocia Herdocia itibaren Chak No. 6 DB, Pakistan itibaren Chak No. 6 DB, Pakistan

Okuyucu Klaus Herdocia Herdocia itibaren Chak No. 6 DB, Pakistan

Klaus Herdocia Herdocia itibaren Chak No. 6 DB, Pakistan


Her nasılsa, bu kitap alçakgönüllü. Tarif etmek benim için zor, ama şimdiye kadar okuduğum tek kitaplardan biri. Mütevazi.


If I had to choose just a quick phrase to describe Ruby Red, I'd definitely go with utterly enchanting. Even if I hadn't received this book for review I would have likely bought it just based on the cover. (I admit it, yes.) The deep red, the gorgeously raised silver accents, it is too beautiful for words. Then I flipped the book over and read the synopsis that cemented my attachment to this book. I cannot express enough how much I was in love with this book before I even opened it to the first page. Of course, then I did open it, at which point I was swept away into a brand new world. Gwyneth Shepard is an amazing character. I loved her tenacity and her quick wit. The banter between her and the infuriating (albeit rather handsome) Gideon de Villiers is fantastic. I appreciated the fact that Kerstin Geir allowed her character to be so human and flawed. Gwyneth wasn't raised to be a time traveler, she isn't the "pretty" sister, and people are doubting her at every turn based on a past she can't remember. At the heart of it all, she's just a normal girl who can do extraordinary things. Coping with that isn't easy for her but, despite some slight negativity, she vows to do the best that she knows how. I loved her for that. If the characters themselves weren't enough though, the expertly woven story really brought it home for me. The time periods that Gwyneth and Gideon travel to are richly detailed, and accurate. The story behind the beginnings of these time travelers is well fleshed out, and it leaves just enough to the imagination to keep you wanting to read on to the next in the series. It was nice that, despite the numerous characters across time periods, there was always something to help me realign myself with the overall story. Add in a bit of intrigue, deception, and an ending that had my mouth hanging open, and you have a book that I fell so deeply in love with that I'm likely going to read it again. 2012 cannot come soon enough I tell you. I need to know what happens next! So yes, I loved this book with all my heart. Ruby Red is a beautifully executed mix of historical fiction and science fiction that is sure to delight. To all my readers who enjoy books of this nature, you need to pick this up. The story that Kerstin Gier has woven for us is not to be missed!


Having known about the novel, I perhaps lost out on the element of surprise that may have come from a completely fresh reading, but liked it a lot nevertheless.


If you think the serial-killer story has nothing new to offer, try this. A small upstate New York town is tormented by the disappearances, presumed murders, of a succession of adolescent girls -- not to mention the murder a couple of years ago of the local nymphomaniac and the grotesque murder now of one of the town's few overt gay men. The net effect is a breakdown of the town's social order, as vigilantes presume to themselves a role that is above the law. All of this is told by a rather peculiar high school biology teacher, whose observations of his fellow citizens, while pithy, may not be entirely reliable: he has his own agenda. The style in which he narrates the events is flat, unsensational . . . and, I found, absolutely hypnotic (despite the annoyance of a couple of characterization inconsistencies). This is a mainstream novel whose subject matter happens to be, almost incidentally, a series of psychopathic killings. Much recommended.