J itibaren North Ripley, Bransgore, Christchurch, Hampshire BH23 8EL, İngiltere
Bu kitabı sevdim ama ana suçluluk teması ortaya çıktı ve uzun oldu. Kahramanın kahramanı nasıl sevdiğini sevdim ve kendisine yardıma ihtiyacı olduğunda bile ona yardım etmek için her şeyi yapmaya adadım. İkincil karakterleri de beğendim. Bu serideki ikinci oldu, bu yüzden ilkine geri dönmem gerekecek.
A fantastic adventure.
beautiful writing, amazing woman. Can't wait to read the rest in the series! Thanks for the loan Anna!
This is another Stephenson book that is not for everybody. If you read Snow Crash and liked it, you'll like this one too. Stephensen's forte is creating alternate realities and weaving stories in them. I find that really interesting, even though the tech-filled details aren't necessarily something I would normally enjoy.
Just finished reading this one to my 6 year old. It was wonderful re-reading one of my childhood favorites and I was thrilled that Emily like it just as much as I did. Looking forward to diving into many more from the Dahl library.