Piotr Romanowski Romanowski itibaren The Lee, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire HP16 9NA, İngiltere
Bu, aynı adı taşıyan daha tanınmış bir kitap olan Paulo Coelho'nun "Simyacı" değil. Ancak, DaVinci koduna veya Melekler ve Şeytanlara bir şekilde karşılaştırılabilir (en azından inanıyorum) zamanı geri götüren inanılmaz bir fantastik hikaye. Kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum ve bu kitabın beni tanıttığı dünyada kendimi iyice emdiğini hatırlıyorum.
Bu kitabı benden daha fazla sevmek istedim. Düşmeden önce aynı yazar tarafından beğendim - Oliver'ın tanıdık, basit bir plan yaptığını ve özel bir şey yaptığını düşündüm. Ama Deliryum'da, bu sadece tanıdık, açık bir komplo. Bu konuda özel bir şey yok. The Host veya Uglies (özellikle Uglies) 'ı okuduysanız, esasen bu kitabı okudunuz.
Şu anda bu kitabı çocuklarımla okuyorum. Her gece birkaç sayfa okuyoruz. Onu seviyorlar ve ben de. İlk kitapta yaklaşık 60 sayfamız kaldı. Çocuk ve tekrar tekrar yaptığı tüm aptalca şeyler gerçekten çok rahatsız ama şimdiye kadar okumak çok eğlenceli.
The Book of Lost Things is story is about a boy, David, who loses his mother. Soon his father remarries and David gets a new family and a new baby brother to put up with. Most of the book takes place in a different reality; one of stories, trolls and talking wolves. The book was completely different from what I had expected. The story was childish, but still the events weren't. The book was actually quite brutal and violent, so even if it is almost a storybook, it's not for kids. I was a bit annoyed with the predictability of events, but as the book follows the pattern of a classical childrens story, I suppose it's excusable. In my edition the story ended with still a third of the pages left. I found there an interview with the author, explanations and analyses of the events in the book, and the original versions of stories borrowed in it. I loved reading the Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Ridinghood and many more classics in their original form, not twisted by Disney. This is good passtime, but did not make a very big impression on me. A good, easy read.
Fforde has found a novel way to keep the Thursday Next series fresh: instead of centering on Thursday herself, our main character is the written version of Thursday, living in the BookWorld and trying to keep the little-read series going. When the real Thursday turns out to be missing right before some peace talks that are a last-ditch effort to stop an impending Genre war, written Thursday is pressed into service. Thursday makes her first trip to the Outland and travels all over BookWorld (aided by her mechanical butler, Sprockett), often chased and threatened by various factions. The narrative is studded with hilarious bits of satire, literary jokes, puns, and silliness – all of which are even more satisying, I think, that the plot itself.