Justin Fonteneau Fonteneau itibaren Bakurtsikhe, Gürcistan
Bu yazarın okuduğum ilk kitap ve çok hoşuma gitti. Tarihsel temalarla kurgudan zevk alıyorum ve bu 19. yüzyıl ortalarında İngiltere'de geçiyor. İki ana bölümün büyük bir gelişimi var ve beklemediğim birkaç bükülme var. İlginç bir yolculuk yaptı.
Cerebus tarafından ezilmeye devam ediyorum. Yüksek Toplum okunabilir ve zaman zaman çok zevklidir. Ama bu harika bir grafik roman değil. Devam eden bir kitapta iyi bir hikaye yayıdır. Siyasi hiciv olarak başarısız oluyor çünkü hiçbir şey gerçek hissetmiyor. Karakter, Sim'in ne demek istediğini anlayacak kadar gelişmedi. Jaka tamamen gelişmemiş. Hiç kimsenin ideallerinin bir anlamı olmadığı gösterilmiyor; sadece boş bir hava. Peki neden kitabın sonunda Cerebus ezilmeli? Kitap sadece bağlamda dikkat çekicidir. Tarihsel olarak önemli. Resmi olarak yaratıcı. Yönlendirilmesi. Sadece kitabın gelişmesini izlemek için okumaya devam edeceğim. Komik hayvan kitap iş dini yol wack büyük Amerikan romanı.
blashpemy... of the funny sort. I don't really know quite how to describe this one yet, as I'm only about halfway through... The individual elements of the story are there, nice and comfortable, right where they should be- the details have this dark, twisted spin on them (changing of names, personalities, exaggeration of character flaws, etc.) so that the tale as a whole is only vaguely familiar... Reading this one almost feels like having a dream about a familiar place where everything is just different enough to make it all seem (laughably) strange and out of place. I'm sure I'll have more to say once I've finished.
This book was referenced in some other things I was reading on female modesty and I was intrigued by the concept so I decided to pick it up even though I am not Jewish. I was kind of disappointed to see that rather than one coherent piece it was an anthology of first person confessional essays, a genre I have grown quite weary of since about 1996. Still it was an interesting read, albeit uneven as such compilations typically are. I learned some things I didn't know about the Jewish legal reasoning behind female headcoverings, and some of the more specific aspects of how those laws work out in personal observances. I have to say I am a little relieved that I am not subject to the laws, as it all sounded quite stressful, frankly. I have been contemplating headcovering myself (as a Christian) but more along the lines of the reasoning behind Jewish male headcovering ("yirat haShem") than reasons of modesty. Still, food for thought and definitely off the beaten path for me.
The book left me wondering, what the heck is going on? Then the end happened very quickly, but since there is a second, it ended up being fine. A great, and very different book.
since my kids read it I felt obligated to do the same. Not a bad story, entertaining but definitely written more for the young teen. I give it 3 stars.