
Lily itibaren 4750-734 Tamel, Portekiz itibaren 4750-734 Tamel, Portekiz

Okuyucu Lily itibaren 4750-734 Tamel, Portekiz

Lily itibaren 4750-734 Tamel, Portekiz


more later


Thi book is about Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze. They become warriors. A cat named sol comes and pridict a an eclips, and starclan didnt see it comeing. Shadowclan falls under controle of sol. The 3 chosen cats fake a starclan sign, but starclan actualy come. They findout squirlflight is not his mother. I can make a connection to this book. In the book. Tawnypelt has to make a big desition. She decides to give her kits to thunderclan. She doesnt want her kits to stop believeing in starclan. She had to make a hard decition. Thats like puting other people befor you. I would reccomend this book to people of all ages. You cant put the book down. It is full of action and very dramatic. I cant read book that have no action in them. they dont work for me. I realy enjoyed this book.


I enjoyed it and look forward to the next in the trilogy. It gives you a good sense of the social tensions existing in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, the causes of WWI, and what a disaster it was.


Okay, okay, I couldn't resist! :)