
Mohamed EL EL itibaren Drakensberg District, Güney Afrika itibaren Drakensberg District, Güney Afrika

Okuyucu Mohamed EL EL itibaren Drakensberg District, Güney Afrika

Mohamed EL EL itibaren Drakensberg District, Güney Afrika


Bu kitabı lisede okudum, birkaç arkadaşım ve bizi uyuşturucu dünyasından korkutmak amacıyla okulumuzdaki sosyal hizmet uzmanımız tarafından kopyalandım. Bu kitap bazıları için bir İncil oldu, ama iyi bir şekilde ve benim için değil ... saf bir saçmalıktı. Çok yazılmıştır ve en az inanılır. Bir günlük olduğu söyleniyor ama birisi gençlik "Uyuşturucu yapma" vaaz vermek için bir "günlük" olarak geçmek için yazmış gibi geliyor. Ama hepsi korkunç değil. Bazı ilginç parçalar var, ama çoğu oldukça sıkıcı.


Daha sonra sadece ilk yarıyı okuduğunu itiraf eden ve geri kalanını yağmaladığını itiraf eden bir meslektaş tarafından tavsiye edildi, bu da beni yakından okuduktan sonra serbest bıraktı. Günlük etkinlikleri felsefeyle eşleştiren ilginç bir öncül. Gerçi benim için çok dindar. Ben de yarı yolda ilgimi kaybettim. İnancın gerçeğe eşit olmadığı hatırlatmasını takdir ettim.


I really really liked this book. It was a quick fun read with characters I like in a universe I like.


Wow! This book was super fascinating. It kept me up way past my bedtime for days, while I tried to absorb it's content. I know there is controversy about it, but all in all, I got the gist of what the author was communicating and I FELT it, which is the way I judge how good a book is for myself. Whether she had the "right" to write a book like this is really a moot point for me. I will read more of her work if she has some.


** spoiler alert ** I started reading this book for school project over banned books. We were told to pick a book that was challenged or banned in libraries in the United States and My Sisters Keeper was one of them. I was hesitant to read the book for the fact that I didn't want to read a book that had a child going through leukemia. Once I started it though I came to realize how beautifully written and intriguing the story turned out to be. I was rooting for Anna the whole way and believed that she deserved to be medically emancipated from her parents. That being said I was shocked, saddened, and horrified by the ending. I did not agree with Jodi Picoult's way of ending this tragic tale of a 13 year-old girl who just wanted to live for herself. Anna's brain damage and ultimate death was a disgustingly horrible ending and that's why I'm giving this book 3 stars instead of the 5 stars I was originally planned on giving it. Many have argued on how the ending went for the movie but all I have to say is that if in the movie Anna doesn't die a tragic and heart wrenching death that she did in the book, then the movie's ending was the best.


I'm not sure there has ever been a villain quite like Undine Spragg. Absolutely no redeeming qualities. And yet, this book is one of the best I have ever read. Ever.