Thao Phuong Phuong itibaren Belaugh, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 8UZ, İngiltere
Bu büyüleyici bir konu hakkında kötü yazılmış bir kitap. Sunulan bilgilerin çoğu, daha sonra yanlış olduğu tespit edilen ön bulgulardan alınmıştır. New Yorker'da buz adamının ayakkabıları hakkında ilginç bir makale vardı. Birisi giydiği ayakkabıları yeniden üretti ve onları dağlarda yürüyüşe çıkması için oldukça iyi sonuçlar aldı.
Bu kitabı herkese, çocuklara, gençlere tavsiye ederim. Nadiren bu özelliğe sahip bir kitap bulurum. Modern Afrika'da zimbabve çocuklarının başkanı izci rozetleri kazanmak için izinsiz evden ayrıldı. Daha sonra olan şey, onu aldığımda çok etkileyici bir komplo.
Bu kitap beni tekrar Stephen King'e aşık etti. Kendisini çok fazla kitaplarına koyuyor ve bunu yazdığı zaman acısını gerçekten hissedebiliyorsunuz.
ha ha ha Never finished the book, hence I will not rate it. I am so glad I did not bother reading this book, what with the reviews telling me what I had already predicted. One can only handle so much love interests. With Kalona in the mix and Heath still in the picture, I'd have slammed the book shut in 10 seconds.
I'm going to be the first to admit that these books are a little hard to get into. Aside from the fact that people keep quoting poetry or alluding to ancient myths you only dimly remember, the writing is erudite. I picked this book up and put it down three times before I finally made it through the first chapter. (I had also put it down at one point because, frankly, I couldn't stand Lymond.) But I'm glad I persevered: in it's own way the style is lovely and lyrical. It's not exceedingly accessible but then neither is Shakespeare. These novels are steeped in historical detail and Lymond is a lot of fun to follow around. Some of my friends have criticized this book because Lymond is too perfect: He excels at poetry, archery, sword-fighting, writing, seige-planning, foreign languages, card-playing, inspiring rabid loyalty, teaching, investigative reporting, blackmail and springing people from prison, among other things. The argument is that Lymond is Superman. OK, I can allow that. He's good at an awful lot of things, but that's actually one of the themes in the book: How society judges people based on their skills. And even if it wasn't, if people didn't like reading about astonishing characters, both Marvel and J.K. Rowling would be out of business. Dunnett writes vividly, create scenes that gleam like gems, but she also writes with humor and compassion, two characteristics that historical fiction novels often lack. If you must understand every little epigram Lymond lets slip, there are two companion volumes that translate the songs, poetry and quotes and explains Lymond's more obscure references. However, I found I was able to follow the plot and identify with the characters without needing to know the literal translation of everything. Even if you don't understand half of what Lymond says (and you do understand far more than that) these obscure quotes illustrate his intelligence, education and restless wit, which is, I think, actually the point. Also, once you've powered through this book, the rest get easier, and this one is much easier the second time around. I treasure this one for the presence of Christian Stewart and Will Scott. For the scene in the brothel, when Lymond laughs. The scene with the Spaniard that I will never forget (poor Will). The fair, both for the heartbreaking scene with the parrot and the hilarious one with Sybilla's shopping.
Contains a lot of interesting but really short inspirational notes on how to run a good company and get some work done. Things like "meetings are toxic", "don't confuse enthousiasm with priority", ... are explained per page with a nice sketch and they all are excellent advice. But most of those tips are made out of common sense, and the book can be finished within a few hours! I wish Jason got a little bit more into detail, on for example how he successfully applied a certain "rule" instead of just mentioning them. There's a little bit of practical info in there but not too much.