Appcom Marketing Marketing itibaren Kodakkallu, Kerala 676508, Hindistan
Dostoyevski tarzında kötü, ama Dostoyevski tarzında da iyi! Dışında - daha çok tanrısız, determinizm, Darwin ve Freud için Hıristiyan teolojisini ticareti yapan Amerikan Dostoyevski gibi. Ya da belki sadece Dreiser'ın yazamayacağını kastediyorum, ama hikaye yine de biraz zorlayıcı. PS - Woody Allen bu hikayeyi birkaç kez çaldı.
The 6th Target reads like three episodes of Law & Order all smushed into a novel, with entirely too much information about the lives of the prosecutors and investigators. I no longer have any interest in Lindsey's relationship with Joe. I think that if a mystery/crime novel is going to have more than one mystery/crime, they should be somehow related. I think that an author should probably pick one point of view and stick with it, because going back and forth from 1st person to third person omniscient is a little jarring. I feel as though the author, or authors rather, had three ideas for a book, but couldn't flesh out any of them enough for its own novel, and the effect is rather disjointed. This volume is not the best in the series, by far.