itibaren Baripada, Gujarat 394720, Hindistan
Bu kitaba başladıktan sonra ben konuşana kadar konuştum ya da koltuktan kalktım. Çok sevdim. Hikaye, sayfanın her dönüşünde ortaya çıktı. Karakterlerle güldün ve ağladın. Birinin seni çok derinden ve tamamen sevmesine dilek veya şanslı hissettirdi.
Jane Austen'in romanlarının en ışıl ışıl! Oh Darcy! Ve Elizabeth. Ve Bingley. Ve Bayan Bennet. Ve Lydia. Ve Bay Collins'i kim unutabilir! Gerçekten söylememe gerek yok. Her ne kadar benim en sevdiğim Jane Austen romanım olmasa da, muhtemelen Austenit olmayanlar için en erişilebilir romanım.
What I like about this play is that the characters are created only out of their dialogue, there is minimal stage direction, sets or notes on what the playwright is looking for in the performance. For example in many Tennessee Williams or Arther Miller plays they have lengthy character explanations and notes on what feeling the play should have, not that that's a bad thing, but I like how A Few Good Men is just pulled forward by the character and their dialog colliding.
Quirky and offbeat tale about a Englishman who gets a job he didn't apply for, as a lecturer at a University in Bucharest just before the fall of Ceaucescu. It's a outsiders view of a city in turmoil and a dictator state teetering on the brink.
gripping, as they say. doesn't make you wish you were a mormon.
Great book with a lot of action. The plot and charactors were well developed and easy to follow. This is a great read for the space sci-fi fan both YA and adult. I highly recommend this book as a great read.