Michael Wong Wong itibaren Santa Julia, Nikaragua
Çalışmalarını beş yıldızdan daha az işaret eden her yazar kendilerine karşı çok dürüst davranıyor. Ya da tamamen kendi kendine nefret ediyor. Bu kesinlikle yazarlık türleri arasında bir eğilim, elbette, ama bugünkünden daha iyi hissediyorum. Beş yıldız! ŞİDDETLE TAVSİYE EDİYORUM! Aslında, "yüksek" bir zarf çok zayıftır. Peki ... TUTARLI HAZİNEYİ e-okuyucu cihazınıza aceleyle (hatta tahıl gibi geliyor) veya kağıt kopya siparişi veriyorsunuz . Bütün havalı çocuklar bunu yapıyor, duyuyorum. - * Saçma beş ünlem işareti mi? Artık çok cesur, değil mi? Ama kendime yardım edemiyorum.
Bunu "beden imgesi" ve "feminizm" araştırma aşamasında okudum. Bu kitap çok ilginçti ve HERKESİN BAŞVURDUĞU olarak bu araştırma yoluna gitmek isteyen herkes için önemli bir okuma. Çok sayıda referans nedeniyle okuduğum için çok mutluyum.
I've read a number of personal narratives from the Cultural Revolution, but most of them have been from authors who were still in school when the turmoil began in 1966. Cheng's account provides the perspective of someone who was middle-aged and who was imprisoned for much of the struggle in a vivid and highly-detailed account. Her analysis of the political struggles taking place among the top party officials also is much more sophisticated than most of the other narratives out there, again probably because she herself was older, wiser and more politically sophisticated, having already lived through some of the earlier political upheavals and the 1949 Communist Revolution. It also fills in some gaps that exist in narratives written by younger authors. Those narratives speak of life for the then-children whose parents had been denounced for one reason or another. This narrative speaks from the perspective of one who was herself denounced and who worried about the effect it would have on her 24-year-old daughter. This is without a doubt an essential read for anyone interested in China's Cultural Revolution.
This is a really hard book to get into at first because of the time traveling/sci fi aspect. It is a little confusing and hard to follow. However, once you get past the first 100 pages it is a compelling story about love and it's boundaries.
This book was extremely short and I felt like the author could have easily written 200 more pages continuing on the story. At times it felt very young adult but it was still a good read for a quiet day at home.
All you would ever want to know about earthworms.
His characterizations are superb of people exactly caught betwixt their demons, passions, and ideals.