
Paulo Felix Felix itibaren Savner, Maharashtra 441107, Hindistan itibaren Savner, Maharashtra 441107, Hindistan

Okuyucu Paulo Felix Felix itibaren Savner, Maharashtra 441107, Hindistan

Paulo Felix Felix itibaren Savner, Maharashtra 441107, Hindistan


Bu kitabı çok sevdim. Keşke daha fazla hatırlamamı isterdim, bu yüzden yeniden okuma listeme koyuyorum.


Ne saçma bir son.


4. sınıftayken bunu okumaya çalıştığına inanıyorum. İngilizce versiyonu da. Biliyorum, ben çılgın bir çocuktum. Kesinlikle benim bitiş listesinde.


Bu kitaba başladıktan sonra daha önce okuduğumu fark ettim. Aynı kitabı iki kez aldığım gibi kokuyor, ama sanırım tekrar okuyacağım. Bu kitap Alaska'da geçiyor, bu da onu biraz daha ilginç kılıyor.


Before I Die was one of the most sad books I've ever read. Tessa has had cancer since she was 12 years old. But now it's just a question of weeks before she has to go. She makes a list with things she want to do before she die. Her family and friend(s) struglgle to adjust to the situation and accept her fate. Her best - and only friend - helps her with complete her list. But often they end up in a fight. Her dad does everything he can to help her; quits his job, sits with her in the hospital, get her list going. Tessa finds a boyfriend when it's almost time for her to go. Adam has just lost his dad and is taking care of his mom now. This book was so heartbreaking and realistic. It was quite an experience to follow these persons waiting for their loved one to die. If I could give it 100 stars, I would.


This was a good book that kept me reading until the end