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Onu takip eden ölümden kaçmak için sığındığı LODOS gemisinde, kaçamayacağı kadar büyük bir aşkın içine düşecekti Leyla. Düşecekti düşmesine de sevdiği adamın canı uğruna susacaktı da, o çok sevdiği aşk masalarının, o çok sevdiği sözüne rağmen… “Önce kaderin sever, sonra yüreğin. ” Barut Reis ise yüreğini fırtınadan fırtınaya salan kızıl ateşin suskunluğu karşısında çaresizdi. Bir yanda onu adalete teslim etmesi için zorlayan yasalar, diğer yanda onu Barut Reis yapan düsturu… “Koruyamayacaksan sevmeyeceksin. ” * “Benim bir adım var,” diye diklendi kadın. “Ve?” deyip bunu hiç umursamadı adam. “Ve bana adımla seslenmeni istiyorum. ” Barut Reis o an kahkaha atabilirdi. Tek konu bu kalmıştı öyle diversity? “Sence benden bir şey isteyecek konumda mısın? Gemimde kaçak yakalandın, bilmem farkında mısın? Üstelik seni her an denize atıp, üstünden bonnet yol ileri devam edebilirim…” “Olsun. En azından arkamdan dua ederken adımı söylemeniz lazım. Sonuçta kime dua etiğiniz önemli. ”.
Barut :Lodos’un Oğulları
There is so much of our history that is lost to weather and much more that it lost to man. I feel fortunate to be one of the few that are working to preserve and restore the historic lighthouses on Plum and Pilot Islands in Door County; unfortunately those that fell before us didn't have the dedication of the Friends of Plum and Pilot Island behind them. Why is it the best lessons are learned by the greatest loss? These structures held many stories within their walls that now can only be heard by books and old faded photographs. Jones and Harrison did a wonderful job of bringing these beloved structures back to life through photographs and memories of those still left to recite the stories. May they live on.
2023-02-21 22:05
** يجتاحك الأسى من أجل رجل لن تراه, يحجبك عنه حضوره في غيابه المريع غيابه الرائع.رجل ستدرك لاحقاً, أنه يكره أن يساء فهم حضوره, أن يساء تفسير كلامه. ذلك أن الرساميين لا يجيدون فن الكلام. إنهم موسيقيون صامتون كل الوقت. ** أحقاً ستأتي تلك المرأة التي ما كان في مفكرة حياتي موعد معها؟ ستأتي , بعدما لفرط انتظارها ما عدت أنتظر مجيئها. ** أيمكن أن تأخذ قسطاً من النسيان عندما تنام أرضاً على فراش الحرمان, تماماً عند أقدام ذاكرتك؟ أين أنجو من امرأة تطاردني حيث كنت؟ وماذا أتسلق للهروب منها ولا جدران لسجنها؟ ** أستأتي إذن تلك التي تجيء بها مصادفة وتذهب بها أخرى؟ وأنا الذي لم يحدث أن التفت إلى الخلف, ولا عدت إلى سلة المهملات بحثاً عن شيء سبق أن ألقيته فيها. ** ماذا أفعل إذا كان كل شيء يعيدك إلي. وكل شيء يبقيني فيكِ كلما هممت بمغادرتك تعثرت بكِ. أجمل ما يحدث لنا لا نعثر عليه بل نتعثر به ** اعتدنا أن تكون كل الأشياء الجميلة في حياتنا مرفقة بالإحساس بالخوف أو الإحساس بالذنب ** عندما نراجع حياتنا نجد أن أجمل ما حدث لنا كان مصادفة, وأن الخيبات الكبرى تأتي دوماً على سجاد فاخر فرشناه لاستقبال السعادة. ** ليس في حوزتنا أشياء لا نحتاجها, لأنها حتى عندما تهترئ, وتعتق, نحتاج حضورها المهمل في خزائننا أو في مرآب خردتنا, لا عن بخل, بل لأننا نحب أن نثقل أنفسنا بالذاكرة, ونفضل أن نتصدق بالمال, على أن نتصدق بجثث أشيائنا, ولهذا يلزمنا دائماً بيوت كبيرة.
2022-12-21 16:17
Generally, in battle, use the common to engage the enemy and the uncommon to gain victory. Those skilled at uncommon maneuvers are as endless as the heavens and earth, and as inexhaustible as the rivers and seas. ? Like the sun and the moon, they set and rise again. Like the four seasons, they pass and return again. There are no more than five musical notes, yet the variations in the five notes cannot all be heard. There are no more than five basic colors, yet the variations in the five colors cannot all be seen. There are no more than five basic flavors, yet the variations in the five flavors cannot all be tasted. ? In battle, there are no more than two types of attacks: Uncommon and common, yet the variations of the uncommon and common cannot all be comprehended. ? The uncommon and the common produce each other, like an endless circle. Who can comprehend them? ? source "Read this", Garret did say. "It will turn you into a better StarCraft player." And he handed it to me. And read it I did. It is the kind of small ancient book filled with wisdom you might find yourself reading again and again throughout the years, seeking its advice time and time again, much like the Lao Tzu (or Tao Te Ching), which was interestingly supposedly written around the same period as The Art of War. It is interesting how Sun Tzu's ancient writings are not only applicable to war-craft (heh, get it? :P) -- I mean, I cannot imagine I'll be leading armies of rice-eating dudes any time soon or, indeed, ever -- they can be useful spiritual guidance to pretty much any conflict's successful resolution, from playing StarCraft and other war games, like Europa Universalis, to trying to regain that girl's attention: 'all's fair in love and war', after all. It was also a satisfying experience to get a first-hand experience with such a widely quoted work, especially by games like Total War.
2022-12-17 11:55
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