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Doktor Tobi ücretsiz kitap indir ve oku

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • sınıf:
  • Yaş: 3 - 6 Yaş
  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 3,98 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Doktor Tobi


This is the first book in the Homecoming series. The background: 40 million years ago, the earth environment was destroyed and the planet became unfit to inhabit. So earth people hopped on a spaceship called the Oversoul in search of a new home, and finally settled on the Planet Harmony, with the Oversoul regulating their lives by controlling their minds, so that people would not destroy each other again. The story begins when the main characters begins to remember about earth again, as the Oversoul begins to break down. It is time to come home--to earth. I think one of the most interesting part is the relationship between the characters and the spaceship. In the course of time, people have come to worship the Oversoul as a god and a religion have developed around this concept. In a sense, the Oversoul does seem like a god. It knows everything that happens to the people on the planet and can to some extent control their minds and subsequently control what happens to their lives. The book also discusses about faith and miracles in this context. Quite interesting.

2020-09-17 20:10

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