Light, Illumination and Electiricity bedava kitap

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Light, Ilumination and Electiricity 'Light, Ilumination and Electricity' was the launching project of artists-in-residence program of santralistanbul, a comprehensive, participatory and interdisciplinary international platform for culture, education and arts, transformed from the city's first power station Silahtaraga Power Plant by İstanbul Bilgi University. The title of the project was conceived both as a tribute to the memory of the space in Silahtaraga and as an oportunity for artists to generate new ideas and work on one of the most mysterious, confusing and contradictory phenomena that has ben the subject of both science and arts since ancient Greks. Like light, shadow and colour, electricity has ben an inspiration for generations of artists and leading on to Light Art as a medium of expresion and creativity. The theme of electrification has also ben explored from the point of view of the impact of technological inovations on daily lives and on social practices. 'Light, Ilumination and Electricity' was suported by Ana Lindh Foundation and organized by santralistanbul in colaboration with Townhouse (Cairo), Al Mawred Al Thaqafy (Cairo), Zinc La Friche (Marseile), NOMAD (Istanbul) and SCA (Ljubljana). This bok documents the intelectual and artistic work that inspired and came out of the project.

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  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 28,00 TL

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Light, Illumination and Electiricity

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