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Nur'un İlk Kapısı (Mini Boy)
You've just got to love the premise behind "Beauty and the Beast", don't you? Anything that shines the spotlight on our preoccupation with looks and other superficial qualities, right? Yes, the whole "beauty is on the inside" started sounding corny long ago, and I still think that there's something off about how you see plenty of beautiful women with, ah, less than attractive men, but you don't see gorgeous men with less than attractive women, but I'm a romantic at heart and I like seeing the guy humbled in this story. Here we have a Young Adult, modern day re-telling, and I found it great fun. Haven't seen the movie adaptation, but looking at the movie tie-in cover of my edition, they clearly didn't stick with the hairy beast description used in the book but went with something more visually interesting. I read the book in a day - it's a quick read, and easy to get drawn into. The story is narrated by Kyle, a popular, attractive boy who lives alone with his TV news anchor dad who has taught Kyle to only care about outward appearances and how much money someone has. When he plays a baseless, mocking trick on a girl at school, Kendra, who he considers incredibly ugly, it turns out she's a witch and - more out of pity than revenge - she casts a curse on Kyle, turning him into a beast and giving him two years to make a girl fall in love with him. What I really liked was how understandable Kyle was. Clearly a product of his upbringing, he starts out as an arrogant snob, becomes petulant and depressed when cursed (and outraged, naturally), and eventually matures into someone utterly sympathetic and likeable. His world is to all intents and purposes completely foreign to me, but I had no problem seeing through it to the terrible loneliness at its core - loneliness is one of those basic human experiences we find so easy to identify with and feel compassion for. Also, as Kyle was forced to live a secluded life, pretty much abandoned by his father who didn't want the embarrassment of Kyle going public, he reads classics like Jane Eyre - and for the first time I noticed the parallels between that book, one of my utter favourites, and the classic fairy tale. What was Mr Rochester if not a beast of this kind? In a dark and eery castle-like abode, he is moody, gruff, forbidding, abrupt, not handsome and, probably in his own eyes at least, cursed (with a mad wife and no chance at happiness). And despite it all he makes a plain, penniless girl, far beneath his station, fall in love with him. It was a lightbulb moment that now seems so obvious, but there you go! The heroine of the story is Lindy, a scholarship girl whose father is a drug addict and dealer. She will probably be a bit too sweet for most people but I found that she provided such a nice counter to Kyle (who renames himself Adrian), that I quite liked her. Quite possibly I liked her because Kyle/Adrian liked her so much - and that I did believe, not matter how strangely it began. Another aspect worth mentioning is how the novel is broken into segments that begin with an online chat kind of thing, a forum for fairy tale like creatures - there's a mermaid considering trading her life for a chance to have two legs and win the heart of the man she loves; a cursed frog bemoaning his chances of ever finding a girl who'll want to kiss him; and Grizzlyguy, who I couldn't quite work out to be honest. It added to the fairy-tale theme, broadened it into something more plausible because it connected the reader with other strange goings-on, and provided a light-hearted banter as well as a taste of what was coming, and was a good way of introducing the Beast. My rating here reflects how much fun I had reading it, with no preconceptions or expectations. It was just what I needed.
2023-01-05 22:35
Bu kitabın işletme okulu tonu ilk geçişte benim için dayanılmaz hale getirdi, ancak tasarımın zor olduğu konusunda biraz deneyim kazandıktan sonra ona döndüğümde çok daha iyi takdir ettim.
2020-01-09 16:57
Kitabın tarihsel kurgu kısmını sevdim. St.Petersburg'daki Rus Devrimi'nden önceki dönem hakkında birçok bilgi içerir. Romantizm kısmı biraz fazlaydı.
2020-01-06 04:34
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