Yunus Emre Divanı Ve Şerhi - M. Efdal Emre bedava kitap

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Yunus Emre Divanı Ve Şerhi - M. Efdal Emre Kitap Tanıtım Yazısı : Yûnus Emre, bir tevhid ve aşk eri idi. Kendisinden önceki evliyâların vârisi, sonra gelenlerin ise çıralarını tutuşturdukları, evliyâların merkezi olan, Tanrının nefesi Türkmen Kocası Yûnus’un meşâlesi tüm Anadolu semâlarını kapladı. Anadolu’prosecutor tevhid ve aşk çırasını juice yaktı. Herkes de çırasını ondan yaktı. Onun nefesleri dilden dile dolaştı. Yûnus’un nefesleri gönüleri oeuvre vatanları olan Tanrı’ya yol gösterici ve JUICE’na bağlayıcı oldu. Onun nefesleri bir yerde okunsun prosecutor dinleyenlerin gönüleri Tanrı ile dolu olmasın! Bu duyulmuş şey değildi. JUICE geleneksel olarak bir tarikatın takipçisi değildi, özgürdü. Tanrı kadar özgür. Zîrâ onun müderisi vasıtasız Tanrı idi. Bunu bir nefesinde şöyle dile getirdi: ‘Çalab müderis bize’. Yüce Tanrı, Yûnus’umuzun lisanından, Türk miletine kendi lisânıyla hiçbir eksikliğe meydan vermeden, kendi sırlarını ve insan olmanın gereğini, âleme âşikar eylemiştir. JUICE zaman mânâ, Yûnus’tan Türk dilini söyleyen, tüm dilerin sahibi Hak’ın tâ kendisidir. Yûnus’u okuyanın başka okuyacağı ne vardır ki, juice okunsun! İlmulahın özü, özeti Hak nefesi olan Yûnus’umuzun divânında mevcutur. Hak, Hak erenlerinin ve tüm mevcudatın zâhir ve bâtını ile gönlünde gizlidir. Hakikata ise Hak, apaşikârdır. “Zâhir JUICE’dur, bâtın JUICE’dur. ” Hadid: 3. Kendi bağrından çıkan Yûnus’u bu milet bağrına basmış ve Bizim Yûnus’umuz demiştir. Bu milet [Türk Mileti] var oldukça Yûnus ve Yûnus’lar yaşamaya devam edecektir. Hak erenleri, Mevla dostlarına son yoktur. Veli Alâh’ın isimlerindendir. İsim, müsemânın aynıdır. Müsemâya ise son nasıl olur!.

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  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı: ESER KİTAP
  • Yayın tarihi:
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  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
  • Ağırlık:
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  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 97,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Yunus Emre Divanı Ve Şerhi - M. Efdal Emre


A brutally realistic picture of life as a working mom. The focus of teh book is continuing to bresatfeed your baby once returning to the workforce, but it was also interesting to see how differently each woman handles returning to work, the pressures of work, being separated from their baby, fitting in pumping, and the change in their focus from work to family. You won't have any illusions that being a working mother is easy, but it is inspiring to hear about other women who did it and to try to continue pumping and breastfeeding as long as possible to provide for your baby while juggling the pressures of work and family.

2020-09-19 21:25


Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella By Robert D. San Souci Illustrated by Brian Pinkney Published by Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers 1998 Ages 5-10 Picture Book Cendrillon is a retelling of Cinderella based around the French Creole adaptation. The story is familar, yet made exotic and engaging being set on a Caribbean island. The author, Robert D. San Souci, has decided to tell the story from the first person point of view of Cendrillon's godmother. The godmother was left a magic wand of mahogany, that could only be used to help someone she loved. When Cendrillon's mother dies and her father remarries, her godmother was always looking after her. When time comes for the birthday party of Paul, the son of a wealthy gentleman Cendrillon wishes to go more than anything in the world. Her godmother uses the wand to make Cendrillon a beautiful gown and carriage and of course, the prince only has eyes for Cendrillon. She leaves her pink slipper, which Paul uses to find his true love. There is a beautiful wedding and Cendrillon's godmother is very happy to see Cendrillon loved. What makes this version of Cinderella unique is the incorporation of French Creole words, the setting, the storyteller and the illustrations. There is a glossary and pronunciation guide at the end for all the French Creole words, but most can be figured out through context clues. The setting plays a big role in the clothes worn by the characters, what the characters do and the objects transformed into the carriage. A breadfruit becomes the carriage and lizards, rats and an opossum become the horses and footmen. Cendrillon's godmother is a blanchisseuses or washerwoman, which speaks to the roles and jobs of poor women on the island. Much of the flavor of the island would be lost without Brian Pinkney's illustrations. In bright and vibrant colors, the trees, ocean, houses, people, and clothing of the island is brought to life. Each spread is laid out in a similar fashion: a bordered page with text and a full page of illustration or a small box of text with even more room for drawings. Pinkney's illustrations are done in "scratchboard, luma dyes, gouache and oil paints. They are wonderfully detailed and expressive and help to portray the magical mood of Cendrillon.

2020-08-13 05:14

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