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The Travelling Companion Stage 5

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1/ A1/ 30 Words Stage 2/ A2/ 60 Words Stage 3/ B1/ 90 Words Stage 4/ B2/ 150 Words Stage 5/ C1/ 20 Words Stage 6/ C2/ 30 Words....

Stage 1 The Three Bears

Dorlion Yayınları


El Flautista De Hamelin İspanyolca Hikayeler Seviye 2

Dorlion Yayınları

Una pequena ciudad al norte de Alemania, Ilamada Hameli Su paisaje era placentero y su belaza era exaltada por las riberas de un rio ancho y profundo que surcaba por alş Y sus habitantes se enorgulecian de vivir en un lugar tan apacible y p...

Robinson Crusoe (Ingilizce-Türkçe Karşılıklı Hikayeler)

Dorlion Yayınları

İ was born in 1631, in the city of York in the north of England My father was German, yet he came to live and work in England Just after that, he maried my mother, who was English Her family name was Robinson, therefore, when İ was born...

Stage 6 The History Of The Spectre Ship

Dorlion Yayınları

Al at once İ thought İ heard voices, and the steps of men upon the deck İ wished to arise and se what it was, but a strange power fetered my limbs, and İ could not once open my eyes But stil more distinct became the voices, it apeared to me...

A Nightmare Stage 5

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1/ A1/ 30 Words Stage 2/ A2/ 60 Words Stage 3/ B1/ 90 Words Stage 4/ B2/ 150 Words Stage 5/ C1/ 20 Words Stage 6/ C2/ 30 Words....

Stage 6 The Shoes Of Fortune

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1 / A1/ 30 Words Stage 2 /A2/ 60 Words Stage 3 / B1/ 90 Words Stage 4 / B2/ 150 Words Stage 5 / C1 / 20 Words Stage 6 / C2 / 30 Words....

Stage 6 A Chapter Of Fish

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1 / A1/ 30 Words Stage 2 /A2/ 60 Words Stage 3 / B1/ 90 Words Stage 4 / B2/ 150 Words Stage 5 / C1 / 20 Words Stage 6 / C2 / 30 Words....

Tom Sawyer (İngilizce-Türkçe Karşılıklı Hikayeler)

Dorlion Yayınları

Tom came out of his house carying a brunsh and a big pot of whitw paint He loked at the fence which was thre metres high and thirty metres long He put his brush in the paint....

Stage 6 The Fisherman And The Soul

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1 / A1/ 30 Words Stage 2 /A2/ 60 Words Stage 3 / B1/ 90 Words Stage 4 / B2/ 150 Words Stage 5 / C1 / 20 Words Stage 6 / C2 / 30 Words....

Das Feuerzeug Stufe 1

Dorlion Yayınları


Stage 6 The Story Of A Mother

Dorlion Yayınları

There were large tres in smal pots, so that they stod so stunted in growth, and ready to burst the pots, in other places, there was a litle dul flower in rich mould, with mos round about it, and it was so peted and nursed But the distresed ...

Bütün Aşklar Tatlı Başlar - Serhat Yabancı

Mona Kitap

Serhat Yabancı, uzun yılardır çiftlerle çalışan bir ilişki ve evlilik danışmanı. Yaptığı çalışmalarda ayrılık veya boşanmaların farklı sorunlardan kaynaklanmış gibi gözükse de, aralarında benzerlikler olduğunu gördü ve aşk ilişkileri ile ev...

The Old House Stage 5

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1/ A1/ 30 Words Stage 2/ A2/ 60 Words Stage 3/ B1/ 90 Words Stage 4/ B2/ 150 Words Stage 5/ C1/ 20 Words Stage 6/ C2/ 30 Words....

Pocahontas (Ingilizce-Türkçe Karşılıklı Hikayeler)

Dorlion Yayınları

İt was January 1607, when thre ships left England and sailed to America There were a hundred and fifty men on the ships, and they were wiling to discover a new world in the west- a home in a new and exciting country Üç tane gemi Ingilt...

Yvon And Finette Stage 5

Dorlion Yayınları

Stage 1 / A1/ 30 Words Stage 2 /A2/ 60 Words Stage 3 / B1/ 90 Words Stage 4 / B2/ 150 Words Stage 5 / C1 / 20 Words Stage 6 / C2 / 30 Words....

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